Monday, 21 January 2013

A Symmetric Visit To The Museum

I've spent the last week writing code, just to be sure I'm keeping at least vaguely competent there. Whilst I love (really love) making my living from photography, I'm constantly aware that I'm pretty much on the limit of making enough to live on. So I'd better be sure I can drop back into coding for cash if I really need to. Plus it's a lot more fun now I mostly just code on a whim.

But, after that splurge of photography through December and the start of this year, a week off was making me pretty restless. So out of the house all day today, Coffee (and yummy banana cake) in CCT early in the afternoon. Then a visit to the Kelvingrove Museum. A trip to the museum is always a bit of a thrill for me. I love that building. And they have one of my photos in their Scottish Prehistory section! I've never been very good at faking nonchalance about that.

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